Senior Housing Project Approved near Dutchtown High School

Concept rendering for McCullough Road senior housing (Moore Bass Consulting photo).
(Moore Bass Consulting photo)

A new senior living subdivision received zoning approval in January. The 50-lot subdivision will be on McCullough Road. It is near Dutchtown High School.

Senior Housing on McCullough Road

The Reservoir Group of Madison, GA sought to rezone 18.6 acres from RA to RM (residential multifamily). They first submitted their rezoning request in 2022. At the time, they proposed 87 townhomes. The zoning board recommended denial following neighbors’ opposition. The applicant then went back to the drawing board.

In December 2023, the applicant presented a revised concept to the zoning board. Instead of townhomes, they plan to construct an age-restricted subdivision. Age-restricted housing is for those ages 55 & older. In addition, the builder must offer housing options which cater to older residents. Examples include level entryways, 36” wide hallways and doors, and a complete living quarters on the main floor.

The county’s multifamily zoning code update — adopted in June 2023 — allows cluster housing within RM zoning. Cluster housing can have minimum lot sizes of 4,750 square feet. This is one of the first developments to utilize the new cluster home standards.

Community amenities include a community garden, dog park and at least two pickleball courts. There shall also be a covered pavilion, fire pit and grilling area. Finally, the community shall have private streets and gated access. An initial estimate could see HOA dues around $200 per month per homeowner to maintain the amenities and roads.

Vehicle access will be via one entryway off McCullough Road. Because the subdivision has 50 lots, the county requires only one entrance. The original site plan depicted an entrance off Mitchell Road; however, that has since been removed.

County commissioners unanimously approved the rezoning request at their January 16 meeting.

Featured image shows a concept rendering for McCullough Road senior housing. Moore Bass Consulting photo.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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