The future Bethlehem Road exit has a new cost estimate which could leave many speechless at its price tag. Georgia DOT is now estimating construction to cost $232 million dollars. When considering other cost factors, like design and right of way, the total estimate exceeds one quarter-billion dollars.
The state plans to construct the new interstate exit off I-75 in Locust Grove. Construction plans to start in 2026. It should take about three years to complete.
Bethlehem Exit Cost Estimate
Georgia DOT regularly revises project cost estimates and adjusts their budgets accordingly. The latest cost estimate for the Bethlehem Exit includes the following:
- Scoping, 2020 – $1 million
- Preliminary Engineering, 2022 – $8.67 million
- Right of Way, 2025 – $5 million
- Right of Way, 2026 – $4.18 million
- Construction (local contribution) – $5 million
- Construction, 2026 – $232.1 million
- Total: $255.95 million
At the start of 2023, Georgia DOT held a public information open house. They also unveiled a concept layout. Building a new access point off I-75 is the main purpose for the project. In addition to a new exit, the project will construct a new four-lane Bethlehem Road. This will be located south of the current road motorists use today. An interesting note about the project is the inclusion of four roundabouts within its concept layout. Finally, three new bridges are part of the work.
Fewer than 100 residents provided feedback about the project. The state published its response to comments received in June 2023.
Cost Factors Affecting Construction
Georgia DOT has observed a steep increase in construction costs. Factors like the current inflation, supply chain constraints and labor availability are all contributing. For example, urban road widening projects are approaching $20 million dollars per mile to build. This amounts to a 118% increase between 2020–2023.
The state transportation board heard a presentation in October about the cost increases. They affect various types of work. This includes roadway capital projects, such as road widening, and resurfacing. Roundabout and bridge projects have also seen a cost increase.
Some examples of cost increases since June 2020 include the following:
- pavement – 28% increase
- gravel aggregate base (GAB) – 52% increase
- bridge structures – 16% increase
- milling & paving equipment – 35% increase
- laborers – 31% increase
Georgia DOT staff noted labor, steel and concrete prices were steady during 2023. Equipment, pavement and GAB costs saw increases.
Featured image shows Bethlehem Road and concept art for the future exit sign. Photo credit Google Streetview and Sign Maker by Brendon Strowe.
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