The McDonough council next meets on Monday night, November 20. On their agenda is a code amendment to allow interior-access self-storage buildings within the C-3 commercial zoning district. This would bring the city code in alignment with Henry County.
Self-Storage Buildings in Commercial Zoning
Right now, self-storage businesses can build within the city’s industrial zoning districts. If the city approves the code amendment, then new locations could also be within the C-3 zoning. Each location would require a conditional use permit, approved by the city council, in addition to the C-3 zoning.
C-3 zoning stands for highway commercial zoning. It is the most intense commercial zoning district. It allows the broadest range of uses. The C-3 zoning is commonly found along major roadways.
Self-storage buildings in commercial zoning would be limited to multistory interior-access buildings. Such buildings typically resemble an office building. An example of this is located at Jonesboro Road and Mt. Carmel Road.
The McDonough council will consider on Monday night whether to adopt the code amendment. Council meetings begin at 6 pm. They meet at city hall.
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Other Zoning Items
In other agenda items, the council will consider a second code amendment. This amendment would allow brew pubs within C-1 zoning. This would follow the city’s zoning code for restaurants. The city code does not presently support such use.
The C-1 zoning district is the city’s base commercial zoning. All C-1 uses can also happen in the C-2 and C-3 zoning districts.
Finally, two zoning cases have postponed to a later date. They were as follows:
- a proposed subdivision on Turner Church Road, and
- a proposed Dollar General on Avalon Parkway.
The Turner Church Road subdivision is deferred to December. The city has not set a date for the Avalon Pkwy case.
Featured image shows a self-storage business on Jonesboro Road in McDonough. Griffco Design / Build Inc. photo.
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