The Atlanta Regional Commission has announced its 2023 planning grant recipients. Among them was Henry County’s proposed bus stop study.
The study will look at pedestrian access at bus stops for the county’s upcoming local bus route. Henry County is receiving federal funds to begin the new transit service.
Bus Stop Study Grant
In March, MHF News reported about the proposed study. The county applied for a community development grant to perform the bus stop study. Specifically, the study will look at designing pedestrian-friendly bus stops and improving pedestrian access for the new bus route. The bus route extends between Stockbridge and McDonough.
The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) announced in mid-May its grant recipients for the year. They selected Henry County’s application to proceed forward. The grant amount is $125,000. The county will contribute 20% of costs. Hiring a consultant will be the county’s next step.
The county previously identified the study objections as the following:
- design bus stops, bus stop signs, bus stop shelters, landscape, sidewalks and crosswalks to make bus stops more accessible and attractive,
- identify locations to install flashing beacon lights to slow down vehicles to access bus more safely, and
- many other ideas under the concept called “transit creative placemaking.”
About the Bus Route
In fall 2021, Henry County applied for federal funds to launch a new bus route. By December 2022, the ARC had selected the project to receive funds. Over the next three years, federal funding will supplement the new route’s operating costs. The federal funds total $4.8 million. It requires a local match of 20%, or $1.2 million over three years. After fiscal year 2025, Henry County would cover the full cost of the service.
The county has purchased a new bus to operate the route. They expect to receive it by August. The new route should commence afterwards.
Featured image shows the Clayton County Justice Center Transit Hub. Mass Transit Magazine photo.
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