Georgia DOT is now presenting for the first time a concept layout for the future widening of state route 155. The project extends between I-75 and state route 42 in McDonough. In addition to the concept layout, the state is also accepting public comments about the project through December 2, 2022.
The proposed widening of highway 155 is one of three major projects proposed within the industrial area to better facilitate local traffic flow. The other projects include widening state route 155 further south between I-75 and Bill Gardner Parkway, as well as a new interstate exit near Bethlehem Road. Together, the three projects represent about $400 million dollars of planned investment.
State Route 155 widening
The widening of state route 155 spans for a distance of 1.6 miles. Right now, the road consists of two travel lanes. The proposed project will widen highway 155 to four travel lanes with a raised center median. Improving sidewalk connectivity is also part of the work. Finally, the project will replace the existing bridge over Norfolk Southern railroad.
Construction is scheduled to start in 2027, as of May 2024. Right of way acquisition will precede construction beginning in 2024. The project has a two to three-year build time.
A notable element of the project includes a proposed two-lane roundabout at the intersection of highway 155 and Henry Parkway. This roundabout would replace the current traffic signal. Existing signals at highway 42 and King Mill Road would remain. Elsewhere along the project corridor, such as Old Griffin Road, the project would install a restricted crossing U-turn at the intersection. The R-CUT design allows motorists to turn right onto the main road then U-turn to return the other direction. This eliminates left-hand turns where a traffic light or roundabout is not present.
View the project concept below:
Submit Comments
Georgia DOT is now accepting comments about the proposed project. The deadline to submit comments and submit feedback is December 2, 2022. In addition, residents can view the full open house available online from the state.
Featured image shows an excerpt of the concept layout for widening state route 155. Photo credit Georgia DOT.
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