Here is a preview of meetings upcoming in April 2022. There are several meetings this month when citizen input will be important! Please take a look at the meetings below and mark your calendar for ones relevant to you!
Plus, don’t forget the May 24 primary is quickly approaching! Though early voting does not begin until May, voters should start to see more info from local candidates throughout this month.
Transportation Plan
The county transportation plan has two public meetings this month! The plan is nearly complete and lays out the guidebook for future transportation projects in Henry County.
The information at either meeting will be the same. In addition, the meetings offer an open format where residents can stop-by anytime to view the presentation boards and provide comments. The two meetings are as follows:
- Tuesday, April 12, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Henry County Admin Building
140 Henry Parkway, McDonough - Wednesday, April 20, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Locust Grove Public Safety Building
2640 Highway 42, Locust Grove
For more info about the transportation plan, visit the plan website.
School Board Budget
Next, Henry County Schools will hold the first of two budget public hearings during the April meeting. The April board meeting will be on Monday, April 18.
The school board workshop session starts at 4 pm. The regular business session takes place beginning at 7 pm. Between the two meetings will be the budget public hearing. The budget hearing occurs at 6:30 pm. School board meetings occur at the district office in downtown McDonough.

For the upcoming FY 2022–23 school year, the proposed district general fund budget equals $436.7 million. This includes the following expense categories:
- Teaching & learning – $364.1 million
- Maintenance & operations – $39.1 million
- Student transportation – $21.0 million
- Support services – $12.5 million
By comparison, the FY 2021–22 budget had expenses of $417.4 million.
New Investments
The proposed school district budget includes the following new investments:
- Increase salary scales by 1% for all employees and honor steps (1-3%), with additional investments to:
- Yield minimum of an 8% increase for teachers and paraprofessionals, and
- Improve the School Nutrition Manager and Assistant scales to yield minimum 4% raise.
FY 2023 investments in personnel total an additional $16.2 million.
Budget Calendar
Following the April public hearing, the school board will consider tentative adoption of the annual budget. The school board will hold a second hearing in May before voting on final budget adoption.
The school board held a budget workshop meeting in March. The PowerPoint presentation from the meeting is available on the district website.
Zoning Hearings
Finally, there are public hearings scheduled for various rezoning requests. The zoning advisory board as well as the board of commissioners have meetings.
The zoning advisory board meets on Thursday, April 14, beginning at 6:30 pm. Agenda items include the proposed townhomes at state route 81 and North Ola Road.
The board of commissioners meet on Tuesday, April 19, also at 6:30 pm. Both meetings take place at the county admin building on Henry Parkway.
Zoning items for the BOC include as follows:
- Rezoning request to construct nearly 500 units at the intersection of Bridges Road and Willow Lane in McDonough,
- Rezoning request for a new single-family subdivision off North Ola Road, and
- A request to modify zoning conditions to allow senior independent living at SR 155 and Kelleytown Road.
As of press time, the meeting packets are not yet available. When ready, meeting packets are viewable on the county website.
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