Zoning Board has a Busy July Calendar

Photo shows the concept site plan for a proposed residential development off Willow Lane in McDonough. The project proposes single-family homes and townhomes on 102 acres. The zoning advisory board will consider the request during their July calendar. (Moore Bass Consulting photo)

The July calendar is going to be busy for the county zoning advisory board. There are eight rezoning requests scheduled to go before the board. They include two requests for new apartment complexes later in the month. But first, here’s a look at Willow Lane and Bridges Road.

Bridges Road at Willow Lane

The Reservoir Group, LLC of Madison, GA submitted a rezoning request for 102 acres next to I-75. The applicant is proposing 483 units. The project includes 312 townhomes and 171 single-family detached lots. The proposal is under the threshold to warrant a development of regional impact (DRI) review. The warrant is generally 500 or more housing units.

The future land use map supports mixed use development on the subject property. This category allows up to 16 net units per acre. The proposal has a net density of 7.91 units per acre.

The applicant proposes vehicle access via two entrances off Willow Lane. The county’s SPLOST V program identified the intersection of Willow Lane at Bridges Road for improvements. The project is presently in design.

ZAB Meeting July 8

The ZAB will consider the case during their meeting on Thursday, July 8, at 6:30 pm. The agenda item is last on an otherwise lengthy agenda. Other requests include the following:

  • Rezoning request and conditional use permit for 42.3 acres at 565 Elliott Road. The project proposes a conservation subdivision with 50 lots.
  • Variance request, rezoning request and conditional use permit for 36.8 acres on highway 138. The property is east of Hwy 138 at Flat Rock Road. The project proposes a conservation subdivision with 49 lots.
  • Rezoning request for 17 acres at 6152 Hearn Road. The project proposes a subdivision with 19 lots.

The board of commissioners will hear rezoning requests at a later date for a final decision. The ZAB can approve variances and conditional use permits.

July Calendar

The zoning advisory board has a second meeting later this month. They will also meet on Thursday, July 22, at 6:30 pm. Meetings occur at the county office in McDonough.

During the meeting, the following zoning requests are scheduled:

  • Twenty acres on East Lake Parkway for a mixed multifamily residential and commercial development,
  • 1.6 acres at 3818 North Henry Blvd for a gasoline service station,
  • Twenty-seven acres on Foster Drive for an apartment complex, and
  • Eighty-one acres at 646 North Ola Road for a single-family lot subdivision.

More info will follow when available about the requests. The county typically posts the ZAB agenda and staff reports on the Friday afternoon before the meeting.

Featured image shows the concept layout for Bridges Road at Willow Lane. Photo credit Moore Bass Consulting.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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