Senators introduce road dedication bills for Bethlehem Road exit, SR 155

Road sign for Joeann Compton Highway illustrated along SR 155 in McDonough (Google StreetView / Sign Maker by Brendon Strowe photo).

State Senators Emanuel Jones and Brian Strickland have each introduced a road dedication bill during this year’s session. The proposed road dedications consist of the future Bethlehem Road interchange and a portion of state route 155.

Both bills received a first reading on March 16, 2022. The bills now await a hearing in the senate transportation committee before the senate can vote on the measures.

Cheri Hobson-Matthews and Andrew Jackson Welch III Interchange

Road Sign for Hobson-Matthews and Welch interchange (Sign Maker by Brendon Strowe photo).

Senator Strickland introduced Senate Resolution 682 to dedicate the future Bethlehem Road interchange. Georgia DOT is presently planning a 2024 construction start for the new exit.

Specifically, SR 682 would dedicate the new exit for Henry County Manager Cheri Hobson-Matthews and former State Rep. Andrew “Andy” Welch. Mrs. Matthews began her career with Henry County in 2002 and has served as county manager since 2017. Mr. Welch served ten years in the state house from 2011 through 2020.

Joeann Compton Highway

Photo of Joeann Compton playing tennis (special photo).
Joeann Compton (special photo)

Senator Jones introduced Senate Resolution 684 to dedicate a portion of highway 155 as Joeann Compton Highway. The dedication would be from College Street to Commerce Place.

Ms. Compton was a long-time tennis coach and mentor for Henry County Parks & Recreation for over 35 years. She also coached the McDonough High School tennis team. Ms. Compton, affectionately known as “Momma Jo,” retired from Henry County in October 2021.

The road dedication covers highway 155 in front of Richard Craig Park. Ms. Compton was instrumental in the expansion of tennis programs at the park. In November, the McDonough council approved naming the tennis center for the long-time coach.

Featured image shows SR 155 near College Street. It has a mock road sign for the “Joeann Compton Highway.” Photo credit Google Streetview and the Sign Maker by Brendon Strowe.

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About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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