ZAB to decide permit for Locust Road conservation subdivision

Photo showing concept yield plan and concept layout for Locust Road conservation subdivision (Moore Bass Consulting photos).

The zoning advisory board next meets on Thursday, March 10. During the meeting, the board will consider a conditional use permit whether to allow a conservation subdivision on Locust Road.

Update: the zoning board approved the conversation subdivision permit.

Conservation Subdivisions

Anytime a conservation subdivision is proposed, there is always a significant interest in the proposed lot size. A conservation subdivision allows smaller lot sizes in exchange for more open space within a development.

The conservation subdivision ordinance is a section of Henry County code that provides builders with an alternate to the conventional grid subdivision. The builder must apply for and receive a conditional use permit (C.U.P.) to build a conservation subdivision. Furthermore, the zoning advisory board has approval powers on applications for a conditional use permit.

Major requirements of the conservation subdivision ordinance include:

  • a minimum lot size of 10,890 square feet (one quarter-acre), though conditions on the conditional use permit can increase this requirement;
  • at least forty percent of the property set aside as open space, and
  • a 100’ buffer off the road frontage, as well as a 50’ buffer on other property lines.

Locust Road conservation subdivision

This upcoming week, specifically on Thursday, March 10, the zoning advisory board will consider an application for a conservation subdivision off Locust Road. The application for a C.U.P. is separate from the concurrent rezoning request.

Photo showing concept yield plan and concept layout for Locust Road conservation subdivision (Moore Bass Consulting photos).
(Moore Bass Consulting photos)

Above are two images:

  • a concept yield plan showing half-acre lots for the property, and
  • the concept layout for the proposed conservation subdivision.

The yield plan has 313 lots, whereas the conservation subdivision has 302 lots.

I would encourage residents in the vicinity of this proposed development to consider which type of subdivision layout they would rather see (conventional or conservation), then plan to attend Thursday’s zoning board meeting to speak for or against the application for a conditional use permit. The separate rezoning request will be presented to the board of commissioners at a later date and residents have time to work with Commissioner Wilson on possible zoning conditions, but the decision whether to allow a conservation subdivision stops with the zoning advisory board (except in the case of an appeal).

The zoning advisory board meets on Thursday, March 10, starting at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be at the county admin building in McDonough.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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