Henry County to decide three townhome proposals Wednesday night

Map showing January 2022 rezoning requests for Henry County (staff photo).

The Henry County commissioners will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, January 19. During the meeting, the board will consider three rezoning requests for townhome developments. The requests are located along Lovejoy Road, Foster Drive and East Lake Parkway.

Meetings occur at the county admin building in McDonough. The regular board meeting starts at 6:30 pm. The board also has a workshop starting at 5 pm. The workshop meeting will discuss the fiscal year 2022 mid-year budget.

State Route 81 and Lovejoy Road

LGS Holding Group 2013, LLC of Stockbridge, GA is requesting the rezoning of three-hundred acres near Lovejoy. Specifically, the applicant owns property off state route 81 and Lovejoy Road.

The proposed development consists of 1,135 housing units. The unit breakdown includes the following:

  • 610 single-family detached homes, and
  • 525 townhomes.

In addition, the applicant is setting aside twenty-six acres for a future farm-to-table development. The remaining acreage (275.69 acres) would be for residential development. The proposed development has a net density of 5.2 net units per acre.

Future land use map showing proposed Garden Lakes development near state route 81 and Lovejoy Road (Henry County photo).
(Henry County photo)

Future Land Use Map

Presently, the subject property has a mixture of land uses on the future land use map. The future land use map includes the following categories on the subject property:

  • Low-density residential (up to two net units per acre),
  • Medium-density residential (2-6 net units per acre), and
  • Industrial.

The proposed development is inconsistent with the present map. The applicant has applied for a map amendment as well as rezoning. The applicant is seeking to change the entire property to medium-density residential. The board will vote on the map amendment separate from the rezoning request.

Foster Drive

The board will also consider a proposed rental townhome community near I-75 and Jonesboro Road. The subject property consists of twenty-seven acres off Foster Drive.

The applicant, Davidson Homes of Marietta, is proposing 222 townhomes. The project consists of two and three-bedroom units. A two-bedroom unit will measure around 1,600 square feet, whereas three-bedroom units will have roughly 1,800 square feet. Each unit will be 24’ wide. By comparison, townhomes are commonly 20’ wide. In addition, all units will feature a two-car garage. An on-site management company would maintain all building exteriors and landscaping.

The subject property is adjacent to another recent project. In August, the board approved a 260-unit apartment project.

Concept layout for proposed East Lake Parkway townhomes (Falcon Design Consultants photo)
(Falcon Design Consultants photo)

East Lake Parkway

Update: the board tabled the rezoning request off the January 19 agenda at the request of the district commissioner. The county later approved the request in November 2022.

Finally, the board has one more request off East Lake Parkway. The applicant is seeking to build 90 townhomes next to Taco Bell. The property also has commercial lots along the road frontage. The land is presently zoned for commercial use.

Each proposed townhome would have three bedrooms. The applicant estimates price points to be in the high $200s. They also indicated a willingness to implement a 20% cap on rentals during the zoning advisory board meeting.

The board of commissioners passed an amendment to the comprehensive plan during 2021. The amendment increased the density allowance along East Lake Parkway. The applicant’s request is consistent with the future land use map because of the amendment.

Meeting agendas and packets are available to view on the county website. It is recommended to view the meeting packets on a tablet or computer. Mobile devices may experience difficulties when loading the document.

Featured image shows map of scheduled rezoning requests in January 2022. Photo credit Clayton Carte.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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