Polling places change ahead of June 15 special election

Precinct map of commission district three, 2012-2021 (Henry County photo)

The Henry County Board of Elections approved several changes to polling places during its meeting on Wednesday, April 7. The changes are a result of previous polling places no longer being available.

Affected voters will receive notice in the mail of the change. Thanks to Twitter user @elium2 for his tweets during the meeting, and giving me permission to publish them.

District II

Two polling places in district two are changing. They include the Pate’s Creek precinct and Dutchtown precinct.

The first election at the new precincts will be later this year. Henry County is planning to ask voters to approve transportation SPLOST in November. T-SPLOST will be in addition to city council seats already on the ballot.

District III

There are several polling place changes in district three before this summer’s special election. Voters in the district will head to the polls on June 15, 2021, to elect a county commissioner. The winner will serve the remainder of Commissioner Barham’s term, or until December 2022.

Two elementary schools will serve as polling places on June 15 only. They include Wesley Lakes Elementary and Ola Elementary. The election board has to find a new permanent venue for the Wesley Lakes precinct; whereas, McMullen will revert afterward to Sharon Baptist.

In addition, election staff is concurrently searching for a new venue in the McDonough Central precinct. As of Wednesday, they are considering the McDonough campus of Southern Crescent Technical College. Henry County staff are in discussions with the college to explore that option.

District III Election

The elections board also discussed this summer’s special election. They plan to hold a special called meeting later this month to call the election. One date suggested for the meeting was April 20.

After the board calls the election, staff will hold a qualifying period. Early voting will start in late May.

Featured image shows Henry County precinct map with outline of district three. Photo credit Henry County.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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