In today’s Henry Minutes, I cover the bid award for I-675 concrete rehab, Henry County is offering a budget survey for FY 2022 and polls are open until 7 pm. Henry Minutes is a collection of news from around Henry County.
I-675 Concrete Rehab
Georgia DOT awarded a contract earlier this month for interstate concrete rehab. The project covers the full length of I-675 from I-75 to I-285.
The state awarded the work to Precision 2000, Inc. of Atlanta, GA for $13,699,530.88. The contract completion date is April 30, 2022.
In addition to concrete rehab, the project also includes pavement marker upgrades.
Budget Survey
Henry County Government is collecting feedback before the upcoming FY 2022 budget cycle. The county’s annual budget must be adopted before July 1, 2021.
In February, the board of commissioners approved a mid-year budget amendment. The amendment increased the county’s annual general fund expenditures from $172.2 million to $181.4 million.
Visit the survey! In addition, don’t forget about the ongoing public transit survey.
Election Day
Today, March 16, is Election Day in Henry County! Polls are open from 7 am to 7 pm.
Ballot questions include education SPLOST and Locust Grove city council. Any registered voter in Henry County can vote in the E-SPLOST ballot. They must vote at their regular polling place.
Residents in the city of Locust Grove have a second election. The election fills a vacancy on the city council. Candidates are Vernon Ashe and James Vincent Williams. The city polling place is the Locust Grove Library.
Featured image shows a section of I-75 after resurfacing. Credit to Georgia DOT.
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