L&D approved for SR 20 roundabouts

Concept layout of dual roundabouts on state route 20 (Georgia DOT photo)
(Georgia DOT photo)

Georgia DOT approved the location & design for two roundabouts planned on state route 20 in McDonough. The approval marks one step closer towards the project’s upcoming construction.

The state approved the location & design on December 16, 2020. Legal notice appeared in the January 13 edition of the Henry Herald.

Drawings or maps of the proposed project, as approved, are on file and are available for public inspection at the Georgia Department of Transportation:

Kraig Collins, Area Engineer, krcollins@dot.ga.gov
101 Transportation Blvd
Thomaston, GA 30286
(706) 733-4345

Any interested party may obtain a copy of the drawings or maps or portions thereof by paying a nominal fee and requesting in writing to:

Kimberly Nesbitt, State Program Delivery Administrator
Attn: Travis Williams, TraWilliams@dot.ga.gov
600 West Peachtree St NW Suite 1550
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 409-4179

Any written request or communication in reference to this project SHOULD include the project name and P. I. number 0015916.

Dual Roundabouts Planned

The project proposes to construct two roundabouts at the intersections of SR 20 and Lawrenceville Street, and SR 20 at McGarity Road. A divided center median on Georgia 20 will connect the two intersections. Finally, Fairview Drive will become right-in / right-out access off Georgia 20.

Each roundabout features a 140’ inside diameter with a design speed of 20 miles per hour. The project will construct truck aprons measuring 17’ in width (access at McGarity Road) and 12.5’ (Lawrenceville Street). Additional truck aprons will also be provided for right-hand turning vehicles from either side street to state route 20.

Construction for the project is scheduled to let in November 2021. Roadwork will follow in early 2022 and is estimated to last eighteen months.

SR 20 at Turner Church Road

In a separate project, Henry County is proceeding forward with plans to construct a new roundabout at state route 20 and Turner Church Road. As of October 2020, the project is acquiring right of way.

After all necessary right of way has been acquired, then the county will place the project out for bid. The roundabout is the preferred long-term solution, working with Georgia DOT, to improve intersection safety. The traffic signal presently in use is a temporary measure.

Credit for the featured image to Georgia DOT.

About Clayton 1739 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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