Construction underway to pave Peeksville Road

Aerial photo of Peeksville Road dirt road paving under construction in October 2020 (staff photo)

Construction has started for the paving of Peeksville Road between New Hope Road and the reservoir. The SPLOST IV project is part of a larger plan to pave Peeksville Road between Old Jackson and Keys Ferry.

Commissioners awarded a construction bid in July to Pittman Construction in the amount of $1,384,109.75. Construction activity to date includes clearing and the beginning of utility relocation. The estimated completion date is July 2021.

Aerial photo of Peeksville Road dirt road paving under construction in October 2020 (staff photo)
(staff photo)

The SPLOST IV program included an original budget of $1.2 million for the project before $750,000 was used to start construction on the southwest segment of McDonough Parkway. This summer, an additional $1.75 million was budgeted for the paving allowing construction to proceed forward.

A second dirt road paving project is in pre-construction stages between the reservoir and Old Jackson Road, to include re-aligning the intersection of Peeksville Road and Old Jackson to form a four-way intersection. As of October 1, final design is in progress and the project will next move into right of way acquisition. $3,587,676 is budgeted in SPLOST V to complete the paving project.

Dirt Road projects in District I

District I budgeted $7.7 million dollars, or 39.2% of its SPLOST V budget, towards dirt road paving projects. The two largest projects, Peeksville Road and Burg Road, will allow for greater connectivity on local roadways in rural southeast Henry County when complete.

The design bid for Burg Road was awarded earlier this month to Falcon Design Consultants, LLC of Stockbridge, GA for $117,645. The total project budget is $3,804,000.

The two final projects were budgeted as design only and will be funded at a later date for right of way acquisition and construction. Design bids for both were due to the county by September 29 and will be considered for award in the near future.

The projects are Ellistown Road between Peeksville Road and Moccasin Gap, at a design budget of $175,000, and Sandy Ridge Road between Keys Ferry and Stallsworth budgeted at $110,000.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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