The McDonough Planning Commission held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 13. The planning commission voted 4-1 to recommend denial of the proposed Symphony Park development located behind (south of) the Publix at Lake Dow shopping center.
The city council will hold a public hearing and make a final decision about the request on Monday, October 19, at 6 pm. Meetings are held at city hall and are open to the public. Face coverings are required to enter the building and social distancing practices are being followed, such as limiting the number of audience members in the council chambers.

The Symphony Park development proposes to build 499 residential units on 107 acres. The applicant, Blue River Development of Cumming, GA, has requested a rezoning from RA-200 (residential agricultural) to R-50 (single-family residential), RTD (residential townhome district), and RM-75 (multifamily residential). 1.5 acres of the site would be preserved for a future fire station built by the city of McDonough.
Proposed housing options include the following:
- 250 apartment units located immediately west of Travis Drive.
- 196 age-targeted single family residential lots located within the interior of the site.
- 53 townhouses located southwest of Publix at Lake Dow.
The property is designated part of a Highway Activity Center Gateway on the city’s future land use map. The comprehensive plan describes these areas as “commercial gateways into the city of McDonough along major corridors…containing office / commercial uses. Future growth should ensure access management, shared driveways and excellent public realm amenities, including wide sidewalks.†Planning staff have recommended approval of the rezoning request.
The featured image is a staff photo of the Meridian at Lafayette apartments in Fayetteville. The applicant’s representative referenced the location as an example build quality for the proposed apartments.
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