Georgia DOT shared on October 15 that an upcoming concrete rehab project along I-75 will start in November. The project extends between state route 54 / mile 233 and the Walt Stephens Road overpass / mile 226.
The contract was awarded to Webber, LLC of The Woodlands, TX in the amount of $15,420,200.00. The contract completion date is June 30, 2021.

Concrete rehabilitation is different than asphalt resurfacing in that the entire roadway is not replaced, but only damaged sections. A special exception in the case of this project will include regrading the curve on I-75 south at I-675 where tractor-trailers frequently depart the roadway under wet conditions. The outside shoulder, outside and middle lanes will be removed and replaced in the area shaded in orange on the photo above.
Lane closures are restricted to overnight hours. Double lane closures will be required at times for the project.
I-75 resurfacing continues south of Henry County
Many motorists will remember last summer’s resurfacing between state route 155 / mile 216 and state route 36 / mile 201. Two other projects are continuing where last year’s work left off between state route 36 / mile 201 and I-475 / mile 177. Both resurfacing projects were contracted to C. W. Matthews Contracting Company of Marietta, GA.
In March, Georgia DOT awarded the bid to resurface I-75 between state route 36 in Jackson and state route 42 on the north side of Forsyth. That project is reported at 72% complete with final completion scheduled in January 2021.
In July, another bid was awarded between state route 42 / mile 188 and I-475 / mile 177. Work started this month with the project’s completion estimated next summer.
Georgia DOT has increased its frequency of resurfacing interstates following the passage of house bill 170 in 2015. The state has been able to decrease the timeframe for resurfacing interstates from every fifty (50) years to fifteen (15).
The featured photo is from Georgia DOT.
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