Backlog of zoning cases to be heard in McDonough

3-D rendering for McDonough Workforce Housing (Martin Riley Associates - Architects, P.C. photo)

The McDonough city council will meet on Monday, October 19, at 6 pm. Several public hearings are scheduled to decide a backlog of zoning cases within the city.

Meetings are held at city hall and are open to the public. Face coverings are required to enter the building and social distancing practices are being followed, such as limiting the number of audience members in the council chambers.

Concept site plan for Campground Road annexation request (Falcon Design photo)
Concept site plan (Falcon Design photo)

Campground Road annexation

General Holdings Unlimited, LLC of McDonough, GA has assembled 183.18 +/- acres of sparsely developed property — located south of Campground Road between SR 155 and Elliot Road — and applied for annexation into the city of McDonough concurrent with a rezoning request to R-75 (single-family residential). The request was first submitted in April 2019.

The project proposes 293 lots with a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. The McDonough Planning Commission voted 5-1 in September to recommend approval of the annexation request and rezoning.

QT at I-75 exit 218

QuikTrip service station is planning to relocate their store at I-75 exit 218 / state route 20. The proposed new station is located at the northeast corner of the interchange — site of the now-closed Ruby Tuesday restaurant and Waffle House.

The properties were annexed into the city of McDonough in fall 2019 and rezoned to C-2 (central commercial). The applicant has requested a rezoning to C-3 (highway commercial) for the convenience store and gas station.

Symphony Park

Blue River Development is requesting the rezoning of 107 acres located south of the Publix at Lake Dow shopping center to construct a mixture of townhomes, apartments, and single-family detached residential lots. The project totals 499 units.

The McDonough Planning Commission recommended denial of the request Tuesday night.

McDonough Workforce Housing & Senior Housing

The last item is not a rezoning request, but rather a concept plan review required of the council. The property in question — consisting of 77.50 acres located south of McDonough High and Middle School — was annexed into city limits and rezoned in 2004 to allow apartments at up to fourteen (14) units per acre.

The developer, Dominium, is planning to construct two apartment complexes on the property. A spine road will be built off state route 155 bisecting the property with one complex each to the north and south side of the road. The project includes affordable workforce housing (288 units) and senior housing (182 units).

The project preserves 23.24 acres for future commercial development along state route 155. Eight acres for additional residential development are available east of the senior housing.

The featured image is a 3-D rendering of the McDonough Workforce Housing apartment complex. Photo credit to Martin Riley Associates – Architects, P.C.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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