New Details for State Route 81 at New Morn Drive roundabout

Photo of state route 81 at New Morn Drive concept layout (Georgia DOT photo)

Georgia DOT has approved the concept report for intersection improvements at state route 81 and New Morn Drive. The concept report offers new details about the future project.

The state previously converted the location to an all-way stop in March 2018. The conversion happened following fifty-two crashes in a five-year period (2013–2017). The crashes included twenty-one injury crashes and thirty-one property damage only crashes.

After the installation of all-way stop control, the intersection continues to experience crashes. This includes two injury crashes and three property damage only crashes during 2019. The predominant crash type are angle crashes, caused by the off-angle approaches from New Morn Drive.

SR 81 at New Morn Drive

Georgia DOT plans to install a new single-lane roundabout at the intersection. Roundabouts are a proven safety countermeasure to reduce the number of conflict points within an intersection. The project will also correct the off-angle approaches.

Other alternatives the state evaluated, but did not select, include:

  • no-build (leaving the all-way stop control),
  • converting the location to an offset-T intersection, or
  • adding left-hand turn lanes.

Georgia DOT did not select these alternatives because the single-lane roundabout provides a greater safety benefit to cost ratio. It will also provide a greater reduction in expected crashes.

Presently, right of way acquisition looks to begin in January 2021. The project will need to acquire property from six parcels. There are no displacements.

The estimated project cost totals $3.1 million dollars. Federal funds will contribute towards the project cost. The estimate includes the cost for preliminary engineering, right of way acquisition and construction. The state expects construction to last 16 months.

Featured image shows the concept layout for state route 81 at New Morn Drive. Georgia DOT photo.

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About Clayton 1700 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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