The city of Hampton will hold their monthly council meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6:30 pm. The city’s public hearing will be held immediately prior at 6:00 pm to consider three rezoning requests.
Meetings are held at Hampton city hall and are open to the public. Residents are encouraged to attend.
Request 1 – South Hampton annexation
An application for annexation and rezoning request for 43.23 +/- acres along South Hampton Road, shaded in blue on the above map, proposes to build eighty-two lots under the city’s R-3 zoning district. Hampton’s R-3 zoning district allows minimum lot sizes of 12,000 square feet.
A concurrent request to amend the city of Hampton’s comprehensive land use plan from rural residential to low-density residential has also been submitted by the land owner.
The request was first presented to the council in August 2019 and passed the first reading for annexation 4-3. If the property is annexed into the city, then the council would next consider the associated rezoning request.
Request 2 – HP Henry, LLC
A rezoning request from RA (residential agricultural) to the city of Hampton’s R-3 (single-family residential) zoning district, and an associated request to amend the city’s comprehensive land use plan from rural residential to low-density residential, has been submitted for 201.43 +/- acres located off Floyd Road. The property is shaded in green on the above map.
The rezoning request was not presented to the Henry County Zoning Advisory Board following Hampton’s decision to transfer zoning services in-house in December 2019. The staff report providing more information about the request was uploaded to the city website on February 10.
The project proposes 307 lots with an average lot size of 18,000 square feet. Minimum home size is proposed to start at 2,200 square feet.
Request 3 – Cottages at Southampton
A proposal by Jim Chapman Communities to build active-adult townhouses along state route 20 will be considered on Tuesday night following several community meetings about the request. The applicant is requesting a modification of a master planned development to modify a commercial pod into residential and commercial.
The project proposes two-hundred fifty townhomes on fifty acres accessible from East King Road. Each townhome is projected to be a two bedroom / two bathroom one-story unit totaling 1,200 square feet. A one-car garage is also included.
The applicant is preserving fifteen acres at the southwest corner of Georgia 20 and South Hampton Road for future commercial development.
Editor’s note: this article was published prior to staff reports being uploaded about the projects. Moving Henry Forward extends its thanks to the city of Hampton for uploading staff reports before the February council meeting.
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