Peachtree City residents learned more about the state’s plans to construct a displaced left-hand turn (DLT) intersection within the city at a public information open house held January 23. The project will be located at the intersection of state route 54 and state route 74.
The new $9.5 million dollar intersection is planned to let for construction in late 2021. The project is expected to be completed in late 2023 or early 2024. Update: Georgia DOT accepted construction bids in fall 2023. Road work begins in spring 2024.
What are DLTs?
A Displaced Left Turn (DLT), formerly named a Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI), is an alternative intersection that allows left turning vehicles and through-traffic to travel simultaneously through an intersection. The DLT eliminates left-turns at the main intersection. Instead, vehicles must first cross the opposing through lanes at a signal-controlled intersection several hundred feet from the main intersection. Left-turning vehicles then travel on a new roadway parallel to the opposing lanes and execute the left-turn simultaneously with the through traffic at the main intersection.
The above paragraph is credited to Georgia DOT.
How will the project improve traffic flow?
The DLT in Peachtree City will construct new displaced left-hand turns on SR 74, changing the travel flow for motorists turning from SR 74 southbound to SR 54 eastbound and motorists turning from SR 74 northbound to SR 54 westbound. Turning movements along state route 54 will not change.
This improves traffic flow by reducing the length of signal phases at the main intersection and allowing more “green time” for through traffic.
The project will also construct a continuous flow right turn lane from SR 74 southbound to SR 54 westbound. An additional westbound lane will be constructed extending to the next traffic signal to support the continuous movement.
Sounds unique. Are there others like it?
Yes! There are two DLT intersections in operation within Georgia. They are located along Georgia 400 in Dawsonville and US 78 in Snellville. Peachtree City will be the third DLT in the state.
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