BOC approves one Luella subdivision; takes no action on another.

Map showing two proposed subdivisions on Hampton-Locust Grove Road (Google Earth map)

Map showing two proposed subdivisions on Hampton-Locust Grove Road (Google Earth map)

Areas shaded in yellow represent rezoning requests presented to the BOC in January. (staff photo)

Henry County commissioners approved the rezoning request for one subdivision in the Luella area while taking no action on a second request located across the street. The proposed developments are located on Hampton-Locust Grove Road.

Commissioners voted 5-0* to rezone thirty acres located south of Hampton-Locust Grove Road west of Brindley Way from RA (residential agricultural) to R-1 (single-family residential) with 19 conditions. The property is located in commission district I.

The applicant, Heritage Property Holdings, LLC of Stockbridge, GA, is planning twenty-four lots on the property. Zoning conditions require a minimum heated home size of 2,200 square feet; however, proposed layouts for the site range between 2,400 and 2,800 sq ft.

The R-1 zoning requires minimum lot sizes of one acre. The net density of 0.96 units per acre complies with the future land use map which designates the property for low-density residential development (up to two net units per acre).

BOC takes no action on second request

The second request, located in commission district II, consists of 41.268 +/- acres and is located north of Hampton-Locust Grove Road. The property was originally submitted as a commercial rezoning request last summer to allow for commercial trailer parking.

Following public opposition at the zoning advisory board meeting, the land owner withdrew the commercial rezoning request prior to its presentation to the board of commissioners. The new request, to rezone from RA (residential agricultural) to R-3 (single-family residential), is accompanied by a request to amend the future land use map from commercial to low-density residential.

Following the public hearing in regards to the proposed FLUM amendment, commissioners offered no motions and took no action on the amendment. The applicant proceeded to table the rezoning request citing the board’s lack of action on the previous item.

Since no actions were taken by the board of commissioners, the request may be rescheduled for a future meeting. The property will be re-advertised if that occurs.

*Commissioner Thomas was absent due to sickness.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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