The Spalding County Board of Commissioners approved revisions to a concept site plan this week for an upcoming expansion of Heron Bay. The 235.56 +/- acre property was originally rezoned in 2005.
The 235 acre parcel is divided into two areas: the village node off highway 155, depicted above, and a residential area further west, discussed in more detail below.
The most significant change between the 2005 approval and now is the conversion of three-story apartment complexes into “eco cottages.” Eco cottages are small single-story homes clustered in close proximity to each other. There will be a total of 230 cottage units available to rent, including 114 one-bedroom units and 116 two-bedroom units.
The village node also includes townhouses and single-family lots that will be available for purchase. There will be 145 townhouses and 90 single-family lots. Lots will measure fifty feet wide, an increase over forty feet wide lots approved in 2005.
Finally, the project includes 17.2 acres preserved along state route 155 for future commercial development and 6.1 acres reserved for a future Spalding County school.

In September, the Spalding County Planning Commission was presented a preliminary plat for additional single-family lots. The lots are located west of the village node concept and will have internal roadway access to the existing community.
Minimum lot sizes equal 11,000 square feet with home sizes starting at 1,500 sq ft. There are a total of 180 lots shown on the preliminary plat.
The area labeled as JJ is depicted on both the subdivision plat and village node. The single-family lots will share a common road with some of the 50′ wide lots.
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