A previous concept to build a roundabout has been scrapped for a traffic signal. (Locust Grove photo)
As part of their 2020 local maintenance and improvement grant funds, Locust Grove is continuing design work for a traffic signal at state route 42 and Marketplace Blvd. Local governments in Georgia receive annual LMIG grant funding from GDOT for use on local roadway projects.
The intersection was previously planned to become a roundabout; however, that plan has changed because traffic volumes on Marketplace Blvd have increased to now meet state DOT warrants for a new signal. The new plan should also allow improvements to be installed more expeditiously.
The city will contribute $400,000 in 2020 towards the intersection design.
The city will also resurface approximately 1.4 miles of roadway. Roads to be resurfaced include Jackson Street between highway 42 and Bowden Street, and two streets within Leesburg Plantation subdivision off Peeksville Road.
Total estimated costs for the above projects equal $635,000. The city will receive $105,663.96 from Georgia DOT in grant funding to offset some of the expense.
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