January 12 update: the zoning advisory board recommended approval of the rezoning request.
The zoning advisory board will consider a rezoning request to build a new grocery store at their upcoming meeting on Thursday, November 21, at 6:30 pm. The request, to rezone property from RA (residential agricultural) to MU (mixed use), consists of 22.3 +/- acres located at the southeast corner of SR 155 and Kelleytown Road.
Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located on Henry Parkway in McDonough. The application also includes a concurrent request to amend the comprehensive land use plan from rural residential to mixed use.
In July 2017, the board of commissioners approved a FLUM amendment to designate a portion of the subject property for commercial development. A rezoning request at the time for C-1 (neighborhood commercial) was withdrawn by the applicant.
The proposed development includes an unnamed grocery store, auxiliary shops, and commercial outparcels. The developer, JWA Ventures II, LLC of Montgomery, AL, is also the developer behind the new Shoppes at Ola Crossroads.
The grocery store and associated commercial development are located on 12.75 +/- acres. If approved, the development is expected to break ground in August 2020 with a one-year construction time period.
The applicant’s preferred use for the remaining acreage would be an age-restricted assisted living facility. Other potential uses include medical offices, a bank, or additional retail.
Planning staff have recommended approval of the comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request. Staff reports are available to view on the county website: Comp Plan amendment | Rezoning request
Will this be a different relocation site for the Kroger that was supposed to be built on East Lake Pkwy/Hwy 155?
No, Kroger has been very slow to resume new store construction following a corporate restructuring in 2017.