BOC August 20 Preview

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The Henry County Board of Commissioners will consider four planning & zoning items on Tuesday, August 20, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located on Henry Parkway in McDonough.

A public hearing will be held in reference to each P&Z item. The board will consider three rezoning requests, and one request to modify zoning conditions.

Concept site plan for 646 North Ola Road (applicant photo)

646 North Ola Road

Sealey Ventures, LLC of Brooks, GA is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 with sewer (single-family residential) for 75.65 +/- acres located at 646 North Ola Road. The property is proposed to be developed into ninety-five half-acre lots.

Site access is proposed off North Ola Road with a secondary entrance through the North Ola Henry 163, LLC project approved earlier this year. The builder will be limited to fifty lots until the second entrance is constructed based on ULDC requirements.

The zoning advisory board recommended approval of the request in July. Other subdivisions in the area have been conditioned to require minimum 2,400 square foot homes and a matching condition would be a good addition for this project.

Concept site plan for 469 Mt Bethel Road (applicant photo)

469 Mt Bethel Road

Robert Boan of McDonough, GA is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 (single-family residential) for 30.9 +/- acres located at 469 Mount Bethel Road. Twenty-nine lots ranging in size from 30,000 square feet to over two acres are proposed for the subject property.

The zoning advisory board recommended approval of the request in July. Planning staff recommended approval with five conditions, to include that each home shall have a minimum two-car garage.

Location of proposed rezoning at 137 Jackson Lake Road (Henry County photo)

137 Jackson Lake Road

Jeff Dalton of McDonough, GA is requesting a rezoning from RA (residential-agricultural) to C-3 (highway commercial) for 3.6 +/- acres at 137 Jackson Lake Road. The applicant proposes to use the property for self-storage and outside storage.

Planning staff and the zoning advisory board recommended denial of the request. The case was presented to the ZAB in November 2018.

John R Williams Parkway

GDCI GA 5, LP Of Atlanta GA is requesting a modification to a Master Development Plan from a commercial pod to a residential pod for property located on the northeast and northwest corners of the intersection of Revere Drive and John R. Williams Parkway. The property consists of 2.07+/- acres, and the request is for a residential pod corresponding to an R-3 (single-family residential) zoning district within a planned development.

Photo of participant on canopy tour (Summit BSA photo)

1209 Iris Lake Road

The applicant has postponed their public hearing regarding a proposed outdoor adventure park at 1209 Iris Lake Road. The property will be rescheduled for a future BOC meeting.

WePartner, an Atlanta-based real estate firm, is proposing an outdoor adventure park on Iris Lake Road in McDonough. If approved, the park would offer zip lines over the lake, canopy tours through the forest (a series of connected zip lines), and twenty rustic lodging units (cabins and tree houses).

American Adventure Park Systems of Whitesburg, GA would be the primary operator for the facility. AAPS operates several adventure parks within the state including courses at Amicalola and Unicoi State Parks in the north Georgia mountains.

The applicant has applied for a conditional use permit to support the proposed use of the property. The zoning advisory board took no action on the request in May, causing the developer to appeal to the BOC. Planning staff recommended approval.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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