Update: the zoning advisory board recommended approval of the applicant’s request. The rezoning will be presented to the board of commissioners at a future meeting for a final decision.
A new rezoning request for forty one acres located along Hampton-Locust Grove Road is proposing to build trailer parking spaces for the adjacent Prologis Park warehouses. The property would include over one-thousand parking spaces accessible only via the existing industrial development.
The rezoning request from RA (residential agricultural) to C-3 (highway commercial) will be presented to the zoning advisory board on Thursday, July 25, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located on Henry Parkway in McDonough. The request will be presented to the board of commissioners for a final decision at a later date.
A forty foot natural buffer is included along the western property line where the development abuts residential zoning. The building & plan review department may require additional landscaping within the buffer to ensure sufficient separation. A secondary forty foot natural buffer will be required along the Hampton-Locust Grove Road frontage.
Henry County planning staff have recommended approval of the rezoning request. The staff exhibit is available on the county website.
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