The city of Hampton joins several others in calling special meetings to discuss the SPLOST V program and consider approval of an intergovernmental agreement. The city council will meet on Wednesday, July 17, at 7 pm at Hampton city hall.
The string of meetings comes as county and city officials disagree over how to split collections if SPLOST V passes the voter referendum in November. County commissioners have given the cities a deadline of Friday, July 19, to pass the intergovernmental agreement at the 75% / 25% split or county staff will recommend moving forward without an agreement. The commissioners would be restricted to asking voters for a five year program in that scenario, rather than the six year tax allowed with an IGA.
City officials have remained united in a request that the municipalities receive thirty percent of SPLOST collections. Mayors and city managers cite that thirty percent of the county’s population resides within incorporated areas and census bureau estimates show that percentage raising annually.
New Staff Positions on Agenda
In addition to discussion about SPLOST V, the city council will also consider approving budget amendments to create two new staff positions: city planner and executive administrative assistant. No other information is posted about the proposed positions.
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