The McDonough city council is set to consider “city responses” to two objected annexations during its meeting on Monday night, July 15, at 6 pm. No staff exhibits are posted as of July 13, but the items appear noteworthy given prior interest in the proposed developments.
The Henry County Board of Commissioners objected to the proposed annexations because of associated rezoning requests over and above the future growth densities planned within the county’s comprehensive land use plan for the subject properties. More information about the objection process and what tools are available to the county in annexation disputes may be found on the Georgia DCA website.

McDonough Parkway Apartments
Double Eagle Land Development first proposed apartments and townhomes on 62.24 acres along McDonough Parkway in September 2018. After the county’s objection, the rezoning process stopped to go through arbitration and little information has been shared publicly since that time.
In June 2019, the county advertised a public hearing to remove the subject property from the county’s future land use map; however, the public hearing was postponed prior to a detailed staff exhibit being published. The city’s agenda item on Monday night is the first appearance of this rezoning request in nearly one year.

Campground Road R-75 RGP
A more recent rezoning request, from April 2019, involves 183 acres located south of Campground Road. General Holdings Unlimited, LLC is proposing 416 single-family lots at a gross density of 2.27 units per acre. The net density, a more accurate representation taking into account the creek that runs through the property, has not been published.
Henry County commissioners objected to the annexation in May. Since that time, a nearby property on Elliott Road has been rezoned from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2S (single-family residential). Henry County’s R-2 with sewer zoning district would be more appropriate for the area and supported by the county’s future land use map.
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