A rezoning request from General Holdings Unlimited, LLC of McDonough, GA is proposing to build townhomes and duplexes on a fifty acre property located at the northeast corner of East Lake Parkway and Springdale Road. The applicant is requesting a change from RA (residential agricultural) to RS (residential suburban) to build 184 units.
The subject property is designated for medium density residential development on Henry County’s future land use map supporting up to six dwelling units per net acre. The applicant’s proposed net density equals 5.99 units per acre, and is therefore supported by the comprehensive plan.
The request was presented to the board of commissioners in October 2019 but tabled to allow more time for discussion about the project’s zoning conditions. The request was previously presented to the zoning advisory board in May. The ZAB recommended approval on a 5-2 vote.
The breakdown of units includes 178 townhomes in twenty five buildings and six duplex units in three buildings. The minimum home size has not been specified; however, county code requires 1,000 square feet per dwelling unit within duplexes and the following breakdown within townhomes:
- 650 square feet for one bedroom unit
- 900 square feet for two bedroom unit
- 200 square feet for each additional bedroom over two
This proposal differs from other recent requests for the residential suburban zoning district by omitting single-family residential lots. The RS zoning district allows for a combination of two of the following: single-family, duplex, or multifamily development. The property is in a prime location for higher density development because of its access along an existing four-lane roadway.
Planned community amenities include a dog park, playground, grilling center / picnic area, community fire pit, and open air pavilion. Site entrances are proposed off East Lake Parkway and Springdale Road with boulevard style entry ways.
The subject property is located within the highway corridor overlay and will be required to comply with the overlay district’s development standards. Planning staff recommended approval of the request with the following zoning conditions:
- A traffic impact study will be required; all of the indicated improvements will be required of the developer/owner. The owner/developer shall coordinate with HCDOT regarding all access to the development.
- The mixture of uses shall include townhomes, duplexes, and/or single-family residences.
- The number of total dwelling units is limited to 184.
- All townhouses shall be a minimum of the following: a) 650 square feet for one bedroom, b) 900 square feet for two bedroom, c) additional 200 square feet for each additional bedroom over two bedroom.
- The subject property shall be developed in substantial compliance with the site plan by Moore Bass Consulting named Springdale Tract, submitted with the rezoning application on April 1, 2019, except as otherwise conditioned or providing for expanded open space/common area.
Note: this article was first published before the rezoning request was presented to the zoning advisory board. It has been updated to reflect the second public hearing before the board of commissioners.
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