Property along Jonesboro Road has been rezoned to the R-3 zoning district more than a year after land owners first requested a change for the 159.10 +/- acre tract. Hybrass Properties of Conyers, GA first proposed commercial space and multifamily housing for the property but instead received the county’s approval for a single-family subdivision consistent with nearby developments.
The R-3 zoning district allows minimum lot sizes of 18,000 square feet. This is a significant increase over the applicant’s request to build 7,260 square foot lots under the RS (residential suburban) zoning district. Furthermore, the board’s zoning conditions included a maximum density of 2.4 units per acre. Because of these changes, the number of lots is not known; however, one rough estimate is 200 lots.
When presented to the zoning advisory board in January 2018, the applicant requested the mixed use and residential suburban zoning districts under two separate projects. The proposals totaled 318,000 square feet of commercial/ office space and 343 residential units. The request presented to the board of commissioners on Tuesday night had been combined into one rezoning, removing the proposed commercial uses, and totaled 391 residential units.
District II Commissioner Dee Clemmons added a number of zoning conditions to the project. The requirements listed below are in addition to regulations found within the highway corridor overlay.
- The owner / developer shall preserve right of way for the future widening project along Jonesboro Road.
- Setbacks shall be based on the preserved right of way.
- The owner / developer shall provide two gated access points on Jonesboro Road and the development shall be a gated community. The gates shall be installed before a certificate of occupancy is issued.
- Homes shall have a minimum of two foot brick or stone water table on all four sides.
- The project shall be limited to 2.4 units per acre.
- The development shall be governed by a homeowners’ association.
- The developer shall complete a traffic impact study and install all recommended improvements.
- Street lights shall be installed along Jonesboro Road.
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