SR 42 widening in Stockbridge delayed to 2025

Map of GDOT project 322050 - Widening SR 42 between SR 138 and I-675
Georgia DOT has plans to widen SR 42 north of Stockbridge. (GDOT photo)

Updates to Georgia DOT’s website suggest that an upcoming roadway widening project along Georgia 42 has been pushed back to start construction in 2025. The project, extending between SR 138 in Stockbridge and I-675 in Clayton County, was budgeted as recently as September 2018 to start construction in 2020.

Preliminary engineering for the project was first funded in 1992. Design work resumed in 2013 and the project concept report was last revised in November 2016. Plans include widening the roadway to four travel lanes, construction of a ten foot multiuse path along one side of the highway, and a five foot pedestrian sidewalk on the opposite side. The project will also build a single-span bridge and replace the existing box culvert over Panther Creek.

Georgia DOT recently approved the location & design report in March 2019. This concludes preliminary engineering and the project may now continue with right of way acquisition. Funding for property acquisition was authorized within the state’s FY 2018 budget.

The project is being funded through House Bill 170, legislation that raised the state gas tax in 2015 to provide additional funding for transportation projects. Henry County is receiving HB 170 funds to widen several local highways: Georgia 20 in McDonough, Georgia 42 between McDonough and Stockbridge, Georgia 155 north of I-75, and the new Western Parallel Connector between Hudson Bridge and Jonesboro Road.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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