Springtime welcomes in a change in temperature, budding of flowers, and chirping of birds, but within county government, it is also the all important budget season. In the upcoming weeks, the Henry County Board of Education and Board of Commissioners will present their proposed fiscal year 2020 budgets and hold public hearings to receive feedback. FY 2020 starts on July 1, 2019 for both agencies.
The budget season is an excellent opportunity for residents to learn more about how their tax dollars are being spent and provides a chance for formal commentary on spending allocations. Moving Henry Forward encourages all residents to make plans to attend the meeting dates listed below if available.
Board of Education
The school board will present their draft budget on Monday, April 8. A budget public hearing will be held at 6:30 pm, although their meeting schedule includes a study session at 4 pm and regular board meeting at 7 pm. The 4 pm meeting is the most informative for those able to attend that early, but if not, the Henry County Schools Facebook page provides detailed coverage during the meetings.
A second public hearing will follow on May 13 also at 6:30 pm. Final adoption of the school board budget is expected that night. Meetings are held at the Administrative Offices of the BOE, 33 N. Zack Hinton Parkway in McDonough.
Board of Commissioners
Henry County Government will follow a similar timeline as the school system. The first presentation of the proposed budget and first public hearing will be held during the board’s regular meeting on Tuesday, April 16, at 6:30 pm. A second public hearing will follow on May 7 at 9 am before the budget’s expected adoption. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building at 140 Henry Parkway in McDonough.
The proposed FY 2020 budgets will cover July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. During the current year, FY 2019, the adopted budgets total $384 million for the school system and $161 million for the county government.
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