The board of commissioners heard two requests this week to allow commercial development along Old Highway 3 north of Hampton. Both requests required concurrent amendments to the future land use map because the applicants’ proposals were not supported by the Imagine Henry 2040 comprehensive plan adopted in October 2018.
Carl Parker Road at Old Highway 3
Fleur Grady of Lovejoy, GA requested a rezoning from RMH (Mobile or Manufactured Homes) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) for 1.1 acres located at the northwest corner of Carl Parker Road and Old Highway 3. The applicant intends to develop a crafts manufacturing and retail business on the property producing natural body and home products.
The BOC voted 5-1 (Commissioner Wilson opposed) to amend the future land use map from medium density residential development to commercial. Commissioners lowered the commercial zoning to C-1 (neighborhood commercial) and added a condition that the property must develop in accordance with the highway corridor overlay before voting 5-1 (Wilson opposed) to approve the request.
Planning staff and the zoning advisory board had previously recommended denial of the request.
Highway 81 West at Old Highway 3
Gene Morris of McDonough, GA requested a rezoning from RM (Multifamily Residential) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) for 7.06 acres located along the realigned Highway 81 east of its intersection with Old Highway 3. The request is to market the property to be sold for future commercial development.
Planning staff initially recommended denial of the request, but changed their recommendation to approval following further evaluation of available sewer lines in the area. The closest sewer connection is located west of the railroad and would require a lengthy permitting process with Norfolk Southern in order to be extended underneath the rail line. Developing multifamily residential units is not feasible without the availability of sewer whereas commercial properties may utilize septic systems. The zoning advisory board recommended approval of the request.
The property is located along the highway corridor overlay ensuring quality construction standards for any eventual end user.
The BOC voted 6-0 to amend the future land use map, then in the subsequent public hearing, voted 6-0 to approve the rezoning request. The board added a zoning condition that truck parking shall be prohibited on the property.
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