BOC reduces number of units within Mt Carmel Road apartments before approval

Mt Carmel Road apartments site plan
Applicants are proposing 275 apartments on Mt Carmel Road. (Henry County photo)
Mt Carmel Road apartments site plan
The applicant’s site plan depicted 270 units. The BOC reduced that number to 230. (applicant photo)

The “big house” style apartment complex on Mt Carmel Road was granted approval this week by the board of commissioners, but not before Commissioner Gary Barham reduced the number of units within the development. The Reservoir Group had proposed 270 units; however, the board approved 230 units.

The subject property is located between 45 and 115 Mt Carmel Road close to the roadway’s intersection with Jonesboro Road. The project includes 26.53 acres, from which, 20.06 acres are buildable land. The 230 units generate a net density of 11.47 units per acre, well within the sixteen units per acre cap allowed within the high density residential category on the future land use map.

The apartments will be built using the “big house” style, where ten units are constructed within each two story building. All units have a private garage and private entrance, including private stairwell for second story units. The complex will consist of 45% one bedroom, 45% two bedroom, and 10% three bedroom units.

Zoning conditions include the following:

  • a traffic impact study must be completed and all recommended improvements installed prior to the development building.
  • community amenities shall include at least three of the following: tennis court, junior Olympic size swimming pool, clubhouse, activity center, pedestrian paths, dog park, or a fitness facility.
  • a five foot sidewalk and ten foot landscaping strip shall be installed along Mt Carmel Road. The applicant will also provide pedestrian path lighting.
  • a twenty five foot buffer shall be maintained around the property’s perimeter, consisting of either natural vegetation or enhanced landscaping. The buffer shall also include decorative fencing with brick or stone column posts.

The applicant stated that none of the units will be government-subsidized. Rental prices will range between $1200 and $1800 per month depending on the number of bedrooms.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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