The city council voted 4-2 (Boone and Greer opposed) to accept the applications. The request will come back before the council to either annex the properties or decline at a later date.
Land owners of three parcels have requested annexation into the city of Locust Grove. The properties are located along Davis Lake Road and Colvin Drive totaling 84 acres.
- 1000 Davis Lake Road – 34.82 +/- acres
- 1138 Davis Lake Road – 39.28 +/- acres
- 340 Colvin Drive – 9.97 +/- acres
The city council will consider accepting the applications for annexation during Monday night’s council meeting on February 11. If the council votes to accept the applications, city staff will notify Henry County about the proposed annexation and the council will vote at a later date to annex the property into the city limits or deny the applicants’ requests.
Applicants are able to request annexation and meet contiguous requirements with existing city limits following the recent annexation of 98 acres to the immediate west of the subject properties.
The properties are zoned RA (residential agricultural). According to information published by the city, the land owners intend to maintain their current zoning district through the annexation process. Land owners may request a future rezoning request one year after the property is annexed if they have intentions to develop the property.
Two of the three properties are owned by the same individuals as property to the west. That land is included within the proposed 75 South Logistics Center. The traffic study for the industrial project was published this week.
Moving Henry Forward is a local blog that informs residents about ongoing transportation projects and pending rezoning requests. Consider following us on social media to keep up with our content: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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