Self storage in Ola? BOC to decide applicant’s request.

Map of 137 Jackson Lake Road
The property outlined in blue has requested a rezoning to C-3 to allow outdoor storage. (Henry County photo)

A proposed self-storage and outdoor storage facility on Jackson Lake Road will be heard by the board of commissioners on Tuesday, October 15, at 6:30 pm. BOC meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located on Henry Parkway in McDonough.

Jeff Dalton of McDonough has requested a rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to C-3 (highway commercial) for 3.6 acres located at 137 Jackson Lake Road. The property is located in close proximity to the intersection of state route 81 and Snapping Shoals Road in east Ola.

The request is not supported by the future land use map, which considers the area to be rural residential. Planning staff and the zoning advisory board have recommended denial of the request.

More information is available on the county website.

The rezoning request was initially scheduled before the board of commissioners in February 2019. The article has been updated on October 1 to reflect the upcoming public hearing.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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