Henry County has two meetings next week that will include planning and zoning items. Each request is listed below, along with supplemental information. Follow Moving Henry Forward on social media to stay informed with our latest content: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, November 27, at 6:30 pm
Meetings take place at the Henry County Administration Building at 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough, GA. The meeting agenda may be viewed on the county website.
Public Hearing:Â (ULDC-AM-18-05) Planning and Zoning staff request an amendment to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) by replacing Section 4.02.02 Fairview Road Overlay District with the amended Section 4.05.00 Highway Corridor Overlay District. Countywide
This request was a discussion-only item at the most recent board meeting. The intent of the ULDC amendment is to create consistency in development by phasing out the Fairview Road overlay district and perform minor edits to the Highway Corridor Overlay following its first eighteen months in effect. The highway corridor overlay was adopted by the board in March 2017 to ensure high construction standards for all new development along major roadways in unincorporated Henry County.

Public Hearing:Â (MC-18-03) Liberty Communities, LLC of McDonough, GA requests a modification to zoning conditions for properties located within the Brightwood on the Lake subdivision. The properties consist of 20.25 +/- acres and the request is to modify conditions regarding side entry garages and minimum house size. District 3
Present zoning conditions require a minimum home size of 2,500 square feet. The applicant is requesting to reduce this requirement to 2,000 square feet. The subdivision is located along Turner Church Road, between Airline Road and Carter Drive.

Public Hearing:Â (RZ-18-07) Lower Woolsey Henry 780 LLC, of Stockbridge, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing) for property located on Lower Woolsey Road. The property consists of 683.66 +/- acres, and the request is for an industrial development. District 2
This is the largest industrial request to appear before the board of commissioners in several years. Moving Henry Forward has previously reported on the Lower Woolsey request, in the blog posts linked below:
- DRI application submitted for Lower Woolsey industrial park (June 27)
- Lower Woolsey Henry 780 scheduled before the ZAB (July 23)
- Lower Woolsey traffic study available (October 6)
- Lower Woolsey Henry 780 scheduled before the BOC (November 20)

Public Hearing:Â (RZ-18-15) Hillibee Grove LLC of Carrollton, GA requests a rezoning from PD (Planned Development) to MU (Mixed Use) for property located on Lester Mill Road at Bill Gardner Parkway. The property consists of 84 +/- acres, and the request is for a mixed use residential and commercial development. District 2
The subject property was rezoned in 1999 as part of a planned development to allow commercial use on the property. This could have included a grocery store, movie theatre, and other high traffic-generating commercial destinations. The applicant is proposing to reduce the intensity of development while incorporating residential and green space components. Additional information is available within the property’s blog post.
Public Hearing:Â (RZ-18-13) Carole Galimore of Fayetteville, GA requests a rezoning from R-3 (Single-Family Residence) to C-2 (General Commercial) for property located near the northwest corner of the intersection of Tunis Road and Jodeco Road. The property consists of 1.12 +/- acres, and the request is general commercial to conform to surrounding properties and the Future Land Use Map. District 4
This request is supported by the future land use map and is within an established commercial area along a major corridor. The applicant does not have a specific intended purpose at this time and potential property uses are regulated by the highway corridor overlay. The overlay will also ensure quality construction standards when the site builds out.
Note: the proposed R-2 on sewer subdivision on Crumbley Road was advertised for this meeting, but has been postponed by the applicant. The request will be heard by the board at a later date.
Zoning Advisory Board on Thursday, November 29, at 6:30 pm
Meetings take place at the Henry County Administration Building at 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough, GA. The meeting agenda may be viewed on the county website.
Conditional Use CU-18-12 Charles P. Harvey of McDonough, GA requests a conditional use for property located in the vicinity of 1181 Highway 42 North, in Land Lots 67 and 68 of the 7th District. The property consists of 5.95 +/- acres, and the request is for church expansion. District 3
The Pentecostals of McDonough Church is requesting to expand their church grounds. The subject property is located behind the existing church. Staff have recommended approval of the request.
Variance VR-18-11 Dervin Taylor of Hampton, GA requests a variance from development standards for property located at 201 Hummingbird Court, in Land Lots 138, 139 and 150 of the 6th District. The property consists of 1 +/- acres, and the request is for a detached garage. District 2
The applicant is requesting to build a detached garage within the side yard setback. Staff have recommended denial of the request.
Proposed RaceTrac at Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane
Rezoning RZ-18-16 RaceTrac Petroleum, of Atlanta, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential-Agricultural) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) for property at the southwest corner of the intersection of Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane, in Land Lot 128 of the 7th District. The property consists of 2.35 +/- acres, and the request is for a convenience store. District 3
Variance VR-18-12 RaceTrac Petroleum, of Atlanta, GA requests a variance from development standards for property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane in Land Lot 128 of the 7th District. The property consists of 2.35 +/- acres, and the request is for a convenience store. District 3
The future land use map designates the subject property for commercial development. The property is within the highway corridor overlay ensuring quality construction standards for the service station. Staff have recommended approval of the rezoning and denial of the variances.
Proposed self-storage on Jackson Lake Road
Comprehensive Plan Amendment COMP-AM-18-03 Jeff Dalton of McDonough, GA requests an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for property at 137 Jackson Lake Road, in Land Lot 105 of the 8th District. The property consists of 3.643 +/- acres, and the request is to amend the Future Land Use Map from Low-Density Residential to Commercial. District 3
Rezoning RZ-18-14 Jeff Dalton of McDonough, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential-Agricultural) to C-3 (Highway Commercial) for property at 137 Jackson Lake Road, in Land Lot 105 of the 8th District. The property consists of 3.643 +/- acres, and the request is for self-service storage and outside storage. District 3
The proposed self-storage facility is inconsistent with the future land use map and does not follow the established characteristics of the surrounding area. Staff have recommended denial.
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