Lower Woolsey Henry 780 scheduled before the BOC

Proposed location of Lower Woolsey Henry 780 development
Lower Woolsey Henry 780, LLC owns the property outlined in red. (Henry County photo)

The Lower Woolsey Henry 780 proposed industrial rezoning has been scheduled for a public hearing before the board of commissioners. The request will be heard on Tuesday, November 27, at 6:30 pm. Meetings are held at the Henry County Administration Building located at 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough, GA.

The proposal requests to rezone 683 acres west of Atlanta Motor Speedway and Atlanta Speedway Airport from RA (residential agricultural) to M-1 (light manufacturing). Site access is via Lower Woolsey Road and Wilkins Road.

The future land use map supports the request after the board adopted changes to the map in October 2014. Staff have recommended approval of the request based on the FLUM and review criteria.

The staff report is available to view here.

Concept site plan for Lower Woolsey Henry 780
The concept site plan for Lower Woolsey Henry 780 has seven warehouses. (Applicant photo)

The concept site plan has seven warehouses totaling 6.1 million square feet of new industrial space. No building construction is proposed within the airport runway approach nor within the site’s flood plains.

The biggest concern for this project has been impacts on transportation. Existing traffic congestion cannot be used to deny rezoning; however, the development’s impacts should be considered within zoning conditions.

From our earlier blog post looking at the project’s traffic study:

The project is estimated to generate 8,862 new daily vehicle trips. 32.2% of the trips, or 2,854 trips, are expected to be truck traffic. The remaining 67.8%, or 6,008 trips, are predicted as passenger cars.

The traffic study recommended three improvements for the developer to implement: two-way stop control at the northern site access, two-way stop control and appropriate turn lanes at the southern site access, and paving Wilkins Road. The study does not mention rebuilding Lower Woolsey Road to support the additional traffic and industrial weight; this is necessary for roadway maintenance and safety.

Residents with comments, questions or concerns are encouraged to attend the meeting on November 27. Those unavailable at that time may contact the county commissioners’ office or planning and zoning department before hand for assistance.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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