Colvin Drive annexation changed to residential request

Map of proposed annexation into Locust Grove
Areas shaded in yellow have requested annexation into Locust Grove. Areas shown in purple are the existing city limits. (staff photo)

New information published in February 2019 indicates land owners’ continued plans to build industrial development on the property. The Atlanta Regional Commission has published a traffic study and site plan for the proposed project.

The proposed annexation and rezoning along Colvin Drive is now requesting a residential zoning district. The county objected to the original intent for industrial land use.

Land owners along Colvin Drive, Davis Lake Road, and Pine Grove Road have requested annexation into the city of Locust Grove and rezoning from RA (residential agricultural) to the city’s R-3 (medium/high density single-family residence). A public hearing on the proposed rezoning will be held before the city council on Monday, November 19, at 6 pm. Meetings are held at the Locust Grove public safety building along highway 42.

The argument can be made that if the land owners intend to build a subdivision, as the Henry County future land use map supports, there is no reason to annex into the city. The owners could request rezoning within the county and be approved by the board of commissioners.

It is worth noting that the legal advisement for the property states “the request is for consistency with the Imagine Henry 2040 Joint Henry County – Cities Comprehensive Plan,” not to build a single-family residential subdivision as commonly seen within other legal advertisements. No changes have been made to the DRI application on the property.

If the land is annexed into the city, it is possible that a future city council will be asked to approve a rezoning to M-1 (light manufacturing). Residents in opposition to industrial land use on the property should attend the public hearing and ask the council to deny annexation, leaving the property in unincorporated Henry County.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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