Zoning Advisory Board recommends approval on four rezoning requests

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The zoning advisory board met on Thursday evening to hold public hearings on several proposed developments. The board recommended approval on four requests. The only request that was recommended for denial is a proposed subdivision on North Ola Road.

No one spoke in favor of the requests throughout the night. A couple residents spoke in opposition on most of the proposed developments.

Requests recommended for approval include:

Concerns about existing traffic congestion or school capacity cannot be used as reasons to deny zoning under the legal precedent in Georgia. Rezoning requests are evaluated for their consistency with the comprehensive plan and future land use map. Every request mentioned above is supported by the FLUM, and as such, staff has recommended approval.

The county uses the SPLOST program to provide funding for local transportation improvements. A committee has been formed to develop a project list for the proposed SPLOST V program and area residents are invited to any of the committee meetings to provide input.

Two of the rezoning requests have been scheduled before the board of commissioners on Tuesday, November 27, at 6:30 pm. Those cases are:

  • Public Hearing:  (RZ-18-15) Hillibee Grove LLC of Carrollton, GA requests a rezoning from PD (Planned Development) to MU (Mixed Use) for property located on Lester Mill Road at Bill Gardner Parkway. The property consists of 84 +/- acres, and the request is for a mixed use residential and commercial development. District 2
  • Public Hearing:   (RZ-18-10) The Reservoir Group of Watkinsville, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential-Agricultural) to R-2 (Sewer) (Single-Family Residence) for property located at 719 Crumbley Road. The property consists of 86.5 +/- acres, and the request is for a single-family subdivision on sewer. District 4

The other rezoning cases will be scheduled before the BOC at a later date. No other evening meetings are scheduled during 2018, so the requests will be heard in the new year.

This article is an update to November ZAB meeting has five residential rezoning’s published on October 19.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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