The Henry County zoning advisory board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on November 8, 2018 at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held at the Henry County Administration Building at 140 Henry Parkway in McDonough. The legal notice about the meeting lists five public hearings on proposed residential rezoning’s.

REZONING: RZ-18-09 North Ola Henry 163, LLC of Stockbridge, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence) on sewer for property located on North Ola Road in Land Lot 111 and 112 of the 8th District. The property consists of 114.93 +/-acres, and the request is for a single-family residential subdivision. District 3
The subject property is labeled for low-density residential development on the future land use map, which allows between one and two dwelling units per acre. The R-2 on sewer zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 22,000 square feet and is applicable within low-density residential areas.

REZONING: RZ-18-10 The Reservoir Group of Watkinsville, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to R-2 (Single-Family Residence) on sewer for property located on Crumbley Road in Land Lots 8 & 25 of the 11th District. The property consists of 86.5 +/-acres, and the request is for a single-family subdivision. District 4
The subject property is labeled for low-density residential development on the future land use map, which allows between one and two dwelling units per acre. The R-2 on sewer zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 22,000 square feet and is applicable within low-density residential areas.
This request was previously scheduled before the zoning advisory board in July and was postponed by the applicant. A blog post was published at that time with information from the staff report.

REZONING: RZ-18-15 Hillibee Grove LLC of Carrollton, GA requests a rezoning from PD (Planned Development) to MU (Mixed Use) for property located on Lester Mill Road at Bill Gardner Parkway in Land Lots 182, 203 & 204 of the 2nd District. The property consists of 84 +/-acres, and the request is for a mixed residential and commercial development. District 2
The subject property is labeled for mixed use development on the future land use map. The MU zoning district is applicable within mixed use areas.

REZONING: RZ-18-17 The Pacific Group of Atlanta, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to RS (Residential Suburban) for property located at 1007 Flippen Road in Land Lot 11 of the 6th District and Land Lot 6 of the 12th District. The property consists of 168.51 +/-acres, and the request is for a single-family residential and townhouse development. District 5
The subject property is labeled for medium-density residential development on the future land use map, which allows between two and six dwelling units per acre. The RS zoning district “is intended to provide locations for a combination of two (2) of the following: single-family, duplex, or multifamily developments.” (Henry County ULDC) The RS zoning district allows for transitions within land use intensity from apartments or townhomes to single-family residential within one development and is applicable within medium density residential areas.
Please note that much of the southern property parcel lies within the Rum Creek floodplain and will not be suitable for construction. I estimate that 110 – 120 acres of the site are buildable.

REZONING: RZ-18-18 The Reservoir Group of Watkinsville, GA requests a rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to RM (Multi-Family) for property located on Mt. Carmel Road in Land Lot 128 of the 7th District. The property consists of 27.303 +/-acres, and the request is for a multi-family residential development. District 3
The subject property is labeled for high-density residential development on the future land use map, which allows between six and sixteen dwelling units per acre. The RM zoning district is applicable within high density residential areas.
For reference, the nearby Kelley Plantation development along Willow Lane has an overall residential density of 5.7 units per acre. The multi-family portion of the project has a density of 12.5 dwelling units per acre. This should serve as a reference point for possible density within the Mt. Carmel tract.
A public hearing will be held for each rezoning request before the zoning advisory board on November 8. A second public hearing will occur before the Henry County Board of Commissioners at a later date, during which meeting a decision will be made on the applicant’s request. The projects are proposed by applicants and may be approved, modified or denied by the Henry County BOC.
None of the requested rezoning’s have triggered a development of regional impact review with the state of Georgia and Atlanta Regional Commission. The projects are proposing between one-hundred and four-hundred residential units.
This article is part of a series focused on the November 8 zoning advisory board meeting.
- November ZAB meeting has five residential rezoning’s
- New subdivision proposed along North Ola Road
- New subdivision proposed on Crumbley Road
- Bill Gardner Parkway at Lester Mill Road site of proposed mixed use project
- Flippen Road proposal includes townhomes and single family residential
- Apartments proposed on Mt Carmel Road
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