SPLOST V Locust Grove focused on transportation

Concept photo for Bill Gardner Parkway at SR 42
Roundabout concept at Bill Gardner Parkway and US 23 / SR 42 (Georgia DOT / Locust Grove photo)

The city of Locust Grove will be using its portion of SPLOST V to focus on transportation. The top priority for the city is to improve the intersection at Bill Gardner Parkway and highway 42.

The intersection will be converted into a roundabout. City staff have worked with Georgia DOT to develop the project concept, pictured above. The new roundabout will allow four travel lanes of movement between Bill Gardner Parkway and Georgia 42 south.

If SPLOST V is approved, the roundabout should start construction by 2023. Similar projects elsewhere in the county have cost $1.5 – $2.5 million dollars.

Georgia DOT has a project to widen US 23 / SR 42 between Bill Gardner Parkway and Peeksville Road. The plans include building an additional southbound lane between the intersections to improve traffic flow during the evening bottleneck. The state project is scheduled to start construction in 2022.

Concept design for US 23 / SR 42 at Marketplace Blvd
Roundabout concept at US 23 / SR 42 and Marketplace Blvd (Georgia DOT/ Locust Grove photo)

Georgia DOT has approved a roundabout to be installed at US 23 / SR 42 and Marketplace Blvd. The state department of transportation is approving roundabouts in lieu of new traffic signals because of improved safety and operational benefits. Funding the intersection project will be included by the city within SPLOST V.

Other transportation projects being considered by the city include constructing an additional westbound right-hand turn lane from Bill Gardner Parkway onto I-75 northbound and repaving older subdivisions within the city. Phase II of the city’s municipal complex will be considered to add additional parking in front of the public safety building and install a Veterans’ Memorial next to city hall.

Locust Grove will receive approximately five million dollars from the SPLOST V program, depending on the final intergovernmental agreement between the county and cities. Not all projects mentioned above will be able to be completed through the city’s portion of the proceeds.

The proposed extension of the Henry County SPLOST program will be decided by voters in November 2019. If approved, the SPLOST V program will continue the existing tax collections for an additional six years through March 31, 2025.

The SPLOST V committee has been formed by the Board of Commissioners to consider possible improvements and recommend a project list to the board. Meeting dates and locations are available here.

About Clayton 1745 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.


    • Roundabouts have proven quite safe when compared to traditional traffic signals. A Georgia DOT study found that serious injuries / fatalities are reduced by 67%. If a traffic collision does happen, the impact will occur at a low speed lowering the chance for severe injuries.

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