McDonough approves design for Postmaster Drive roundabout

Postmaster Drive roundabout (McDonough photo)
Postmaster Drive and McDonough Middle School roundabout (McDonough photo)
Proposed roundabout along Postmaster Drive shown in gold circle. (Henry County Schools photo)

The city of McDonough has approved a design contract for a roundabout along Postmaster Drive. The roundabout will be built at the future entrance to McDonough Middle School. Total contract costs; to include design work, right of way acquisition, utility coordination, and construction inspections; is not to exceed $135,000. Funds will be paid from SPLOST IV.

Construction costs will be awarded in a later contract. Construction is estimated at eighteen weeks to complete.

The project is a necessary improvement before the school opens in August 2019. The schools are being built through the E-SPLOST program, which is prohibited from spending dollars off school property. Design and construction of the roundabout is being led by McDonough.

Postmaster Drive roundabout (McDonough photo)
Postmaster Drive and McDonough Middle School roundabout (McDonough photo)

The roundabout will feature a bypass lane for traffic exiting the middle school and going north towards highway 81. This lane could be extended in the future as an auxiliary lane when highway 81 is widened. An auxiliary lane runs between two intersections along a road to improve operations, and in this case, would drop off as the right turn lane at SR 81 and Postmaster Drive.

The auxiliary lane is not being constructed now because Georgia DOT has not made a final determination how the intersection will be improved. If a restricted crossing U-turn is selected, only one northbound lane could flow into SR 81.

This is an update to Postmaster Drive roundabouts published in June.

About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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