Georgia DOT has approved a construction contract for SR 81 at SR 138 in Walton County. The project will construct a new two-lane roundabout.
SR 81 at SR 138 Roundabout
The SR 81 at SR 138 roundabout is intended to both improve operations and address safety concerns. The existing traffic signal, if left as-is, would reach a level of service rating of “F,” the lowest rating, by the design year, 2046. The project will also improve sidewalks within the construction area.
The intersection is located within the city of Walnut Grove in Walton County. State Route 138 is an east-west route between Conyers and Monroe; whereas, State Route 81 runs north-south from Loganville to Covington.
According to Georgia DOT, the traffic volumes, both now and projected, are as follows:
2019 2046 SR 81 11,125 17,575 SR 138 14,450 22,750
Preliminary engineering (design) for the project began in 2018. Right of way acquisition then started in summer 2022. The state accepted construction bids in June 2024. They received eight bids. Summit Construction & Development, LLC of Stone Mountain, GA submitted the low bid valued at $10.4 million. The state announced a contract award to Summit Construction on January 16, 2025. The contract completion date is April 30, 2027.
When considering all project costs, such as design, right of way and construction, the total cost equals $14.5 million. The project is paid for by state funds.
About the Project
Georgia DOT shared a description of the project during their 2021 open house:
This project would reconstruct the existing four-way signalized intersection on SR 81 and SR 138 into a multilane roundabout with a right-turn bypass lane on both the east and west approaches. The circular roundabout will have a 170-ft diameter and consist of dual 12-foot approach lanes, 16-foot circulatory lanes, raised splitter islands, curb and gutter, outer truck blisters, an oversized inner truck apron, and a landscaped central island.
Georgia DOT project open house, held in 2021.
As part of that open house, the state received 257 comments. Of those comments, 54 were in support of the project and 181 were opposed. Seven were uncommitted and 15 expressed conditional support. Comments focused on the roundabout, project costs and traffic. The state's response letter is available online by selecting "official response to PIOH comments" underneath project documents.
Featured image shows the SR 81 at SR 138 roundabout concept layout. Georgia DOT layout with insert map added by Henry Reporter / insert map created with Datawrapper.