Monroe County: SR 74 at SR 42 Roundabout Approved for Construction

Concept layout shows a roundabout at SR 74 and SR 42 in Monroe County, Georgia (Georgia DOT layout with insert map added by Henry Reporter / insert map created with Datawrapper).
(Georgia DOT layout with insert map added by Henry Reporter / insert map created with Datawrapper)

Georgia DOT has approved construction for a new roundabout in southern Monroe County. The SR 74 at SR 42 roundabout is intended to address safety concerns at the intersection.

SR 74 at SR 42 Roundabout

The state DOT began design work in 2019 to identify improvements for State Route 74 at State Route 42. The intersection is presently a side-street stop. This means traffic on SR 42 has a stop sign. Meanwhile, motorists on SR 74 are free-flowing. In addition, the existing intersection has a substandard skew angle on approach.

From 2013 to 2019, there were thirty-one (31) reported crashes at the intersection. Most crashes, twenty of the 31, involved a vehicle turning or stopped waiting to turn. The crashes resulted in six injury crashes: one serious injury, four minor injuries and one complaint injury.

Georgia DOT recommended the roundabout to improve the off-angle approaches and improve intersection safety. According to the FHWA, roundabouts are a proven safety countermeasure "because they can substantially reduce crashes that result in serious injury or death." The state held an open house in May 2022 sharing additional project details.

The state DOT accepted construction bids in January 2025 for the project. They received five bids. The state announced a contract award on January 31. J. A. Long, Inc. of Columbus, GA will build the project. The cost is $4,227,411.01.

The first signs of construction on a state DOT project typically occur about six to eight weeks following contract award. The contract completion date is November 30, 2026.

When considering other costs, such as design and right of way, the total project cost is $5.7 million. The project is paid for through a combination of state and federal funds.

Featured image shows the SR 74 at SR 42 roundabout concept layout. Georgia DOT layout with insert map added by Henry Reporter / insert map created with Datawrapper.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.