New Population Forecast Takes a Look at Henry County in 2050

Aerial photo shows several subdivisions with homes on small lots (special photo).
(special photo)

Henry County could be home to almost 350,000 residents in 2050, according to a new population forecast. The Atlanta Regional Commission shared an updated forecast on Wednesday, February 14.

In 2020, Henry County had 241,000 residents. This would represent a 44% increase over thirty years.

Henry County Population Forecast 2050

The ARC estimates Henry County will have 346,000 residents in 2050. This would represent adding 3,500 residents each year, on average, for thirty years. It’s been estimated as many as 6,000 new residents are moving to Henry County annually right now.

As of April 2023, the ARC estimated Henry County was home to 258,000 residents. This is an increase of 17,000 residents in the three years since 2020. We can expect their 2024 estimate to release in August.

The Atlanta region altogether will grow to 7.9 million residents in 2050. This represents an increase of 1.8 million people since the 2020 census.

A key factor contributing to the growth is in-migration. This represents new residents moving to metro Atlanta. Increased diversity is also driving Atlanta’s growth. It’s estimated the region’s percentage of hispanic population will nearly double by 2050. Asian populations will also increase. The percentage of white and black populations will decline.

In addition to diversity, the region will also grow older. In 2050, nearly 12% of the region’s population, more than 900,000 people, will be aged 75 or older. That compares to a share of less than 5% today.

Learn more about the ARC population forecasts by visiting their website here.

Featured image shows an aerial image of subdivisions in Locust Grove. Special photo.

About Clayton 1746 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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