Board Meeting Moved to Heritage Park, Public Hearings Postponed

Photo of the Henry County Administration Building in McDonough on a sunny day with cloud coverage (Clayton Carte photo).
(Clayton Carte photo)

Henry County commissioners did not meet in September because of renovations to their meeting room. Now, their October 3 board meeting will be at Heritage Park because the renovations are not complete. The board will next meet on Tuesday morning, October 3, at 9 am. The meeting will be at the Parks & Recreation main office located within Heritage Park in McDonough.

In addition, the public hearings set for Tuesday’s meeting have been postponed. This is presumably because the location change alters the previously-published legal notice. Zoning matters require at least 15 days’ notice, to include the time and place. Such hearings include the adoption of the county’s new comprehensive land use plan.

Board Meeting October 3

County commissioners have 31 items to consider on their October 3 agenda. Some noteworthy items include the following:

  • Consideration to approve agreements with Georgia DOT for state route 81 widening, phase II, and Mill Road widening,
  • Consideration to purchase new ambulances for the fire department,
  • Consider approving asbestos abatement and interior demo costs for the judicial annex building, formerly known as the BB&T Bank building, and
  • Consider approving painting and parking lot improvements at the DFCS office.

The full agenda is on the county website. Because of the location change, there will not be a livestream of the meeting. It will be recorded with the video playback available later.

The meeting is open to the public and anyone may attend. The meeting address is 99 Lake Dow Road in McDonough.

P&Z Public Hearings

There are four postponed public hearings for planning & zoning items. They include as follows:

  • Consider adopting the county’s comprehensive land use plan update,
  • Consider approving the annual impact fee report, required by the state,
  • A property owner’s appeal of a variance request on Kimbell Farm Drive, and
  • Consider updating county regulations for RV parks and campgrounds.

The board’s next meeting will be Tuesday, October 17. Staff will re-advertise the items for a later date.

Featured image shows the county admin building. Clayton Carte photo.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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