Highway 42 Widening Is Now Out for Construction Bids

Map of state route 42 widening between SR 138 and I-675 in Stockbridge (Georgia DOT photo).
(Georgia DOT photo)

Widening highway 42 in Stockbridge is now accepting construction bids. The project extends between state route 138 and I-675.

Georgia DOT began advertising the project for construction bids in July. Contractors’ bids are due in mid-August.

Highway 42 Widening in Stockbridge

Design work to widen highway 42 dates back to the early 1990s. The project languished for several decades until house bill 170 passed in 2015. This increased the state gas tax in Georgia, but also provided new funding for transportation projects. Since then, numerous projects have received funds to advance. Widening highway 42 in Stockbridge is only one example.

Because of house bill 170, also known as the transportation funding act, the project was able to begin buying right of way in 2018. Now, it is ready to proceed forward to construction.

Georgia DOT is accepting construction bids until Friday, August 18, 2023. They typically post a contract award announcement about two weeks later. Road work could begin this fall to widen the state route.

About the Project

Presently, highway 42 consists of two travel lanes between I-675 and Stockbridge. The widening project will expand the corridor to have four travel lanes. There will be a center median as well. Existing signalized intersections at SR 138, Valley Hill Road and I-675 will remain. Elsewhere, the project will utilize restricted crossing U-turns (R-CUTs). Such design prevents left-hand turns from side streets. This improves roadway safety by limiting conflict points. The inclusion of R-CUTs is increasing on divided highways, and is a common design feature on all new widening projects.

In addition, the project will build a new bridge over Panther Creek. This will replace the existing box culvert. Finally, the project has a 10’ wide shared use path and 5’ wide sidewalk on either side of the roadway. The design speed for the project is 45 mph.

Featured image shows the state route 42 widening in Stockbridge. Georgia DOT photo.

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About Clayton 1738 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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