Latest Updates on Georgia 16 Industrial Space

Concept site plan showing six proposed industrial buildings within the Prologis 75 Commerce Center off Georgia 16 (Prologis photo).
(Prologis photo)

New industrial space continues to emerge along Georgia 16. Here are the latest updates as of June 2023 on four developments. They include two projects in Butts County, such as the Prologis 75 Commerce Center, and two projects in Spalding County.

Altogether, there are plans for over 30 million square feet of new industrial space on the Georgia 16 corridor at I-75. The largest project, River Park, has plans for about 16.5 million square feet.

River Park

River Park consists of 1,200 acres at the northeast corner of I-75 and state route 16. The first few buildings within the project have finished construction. They are visible from I-75. When complete, plans call for sixteen buildings. The buildings range in size from 250,000 square feet to 2.2 million square feet. Thirteen buildings will be greater than 700,000 square feet. Two buildings are the largest at 2.2 million. By comparison, this is equivalent to 50.5 acres under one rooftop.

To date, the only announced tenant at River Park is Proctor & Gamble. They will occupy one of the two 2.2 MSF buildings. The company plans to create 350 new positions. The project announcement came out in spring 2022. Another six buildings have either sold or are under contract according to the most recent development website update.

Prologis 75 Commerce Center

Moving from the east side of I-75 over to the west side, the Prologis 75 Commerce Center will cover about 365 acres. It will be on the south side of Georgia 16 at Wallace Road. Plans call for five buildings. They range in size from 200 thousand square feet to 1.5 MSF. The buildings total 3.9 MSF of space.

The company is actively leasing the space. No construction has occurred on the site to date. Butts County handled rezoning requests for the property in 2021 and 2022.

Spalding County Rezoning Requests

Finally, Spalding County approved two industrial rezoning requests in April 2023. Both are off Georgia 16. The commissioners considered both items at their April 17 meeting.

The first request is at 480 Tomochichi Road. This is on the north side of Georgia 16 near High Falls Road. The planned distribution building measures 1 million square feet. Another nearby project plans to construct 4.3 MSF on 349 acres.

In addition, the board approved a project at Georgia 16 and South McDonough Road. Spalding County previously rezoned a portion of this development in fall 2021. A revised site plan went before the county. The project now plans to build 3.6 MSF of space in seven buildings. It consists of 418 acres.

Featured image shows the Prologis 75 Commerce Center site plan. Prologis photo.

About Clayton 1694 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of The Henry Reporter. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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