The Georgia General Assembly is in the home stretch — only two days remain this year — and the truck weight limit bill moved one step closer to final adoption. The state senate approved its version to house bill 189 on Thursday, a bill to increase truck weight limits.
The state house will have to consider the senate substitute, or seek to work out the differences between the two versions. Remaining legislative days are Monday, March 27, and Wed., March 29.
Truck Weight Limit Bill
Presently, Georgia law permits tractor-trailers to carry 80,000 pounds with a 5% variance to 84,000 pounds for certain commodities. The proposed truck weight limit bill would increase the variance to 10%, or allow 88,000 pound vehicles. The state house and senate versions differ which commodities receive the increase.
Both versions would permit agricultural products, such as poultry or feed, and timber to utilize the 10% variance. The house version also includes granite, concrete and solid waste. All of these uses can presently use the current 5% variance.
The senate substitute would also limit tractor-trailers using the 10% variance to destinations within 75 miles. This would be between the farm and first point of marketing or processing for the item. Finally, the senate version would preclude 88,000 pound vehicles from traveling inside metro Atlanta.
In one more change, the senate substitute to the bill would empower local law enforcement officers to enforce truck weight limits. Only state officers have this power right now. House Bill 189 would also increase the fine if a truck is overweight.
Check back after the session ends for another update.
Featured image shows a tractor-trailer on highway 155 in Luella. Clayton Carte photo.
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